Bluu Afterwork

On May 28th we gathered our Bluu Teams for an afterwork event. Despite the less-than-ideal weather, we had a wonderful […]
Bluu Afterwork

Bluu Afterwork

On May 28th we gathered our Bluu Teams for an afterwork event. Despite the less-than-ideal weather, we had a wonderful evening.

Some highlights

Location: Just a short distance from our offices in Kontich, we enjoyed the exceptional venue of De Hoogmis in Edegem.

Craft Beers and More: Our colleagues enjoyed local craft beers, including Jour De FĂȘte, Bittere Bloemen, Hoogheid, and Winter Black Pudding, meticulously crafted in the microbrewery. For those who preferred non-alcoholic options, delicious homemade lemonades and other alternatives were available.

Great Company: It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces and meet new colleagues.

Delicious Food: The catering was a hit, featuring several delicious pizza options that delighted everyone.

Enjoy the pictures!

See you on our next Bluu Event?

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