Read on and discover how RMDY makes you stand out in today’s market by means of new digital experiences.
Who is RMDY?
The RMDY origin story travels back for over more than a decade. Because it hasn’t always been RMDY. Formerly, they used to create mobile apps under the name of Cozmos and 3factr, which were two separate operations that joined forces. And they grew. Because later on, Stacked joined them for web development, Enriched for AR/VR experiences, and Continuous added a UX and UI layer to all those screens and users.

Finally, a digital marketing team completed their full end-to-end digital services and added the story flavor to the whole. Many names and much expertise later, they decided it was time to sail under a common flag and a single mission: a bundled skillset to equip their clients for a digital future.
Aka RMDY: making clients Grow & Glow by delivering new digital experiences.
What characterizes RMDY?
Mobile and web development, AR/VR and UX/UI design and digital marketing strategies are a full scope of digital services. But what makes RMDY stand out as a partner to shape your digital future? The answer lies within their strategic approach. RMDY takes you on a three-step trip towards your business goals: Explore. Create. Build.
In the first step they challenge your business goals and strategy. Secondly they shape the right strategy or roadmap to guide you to achieving them. And finally they build the right digital solutions that thrive your business forwards.
So, yes. Mobile, web, AR/VR, digital marketing and UX/UI. In whatever order or frequency your business needs it.
And besides working, RMDY has a clear and very particular vision on relaxation, entertainment, recreation – or whatever you want to call it. An internal ‘Boost’ Team organizes a broad range of fun events for the entire crew: from office parties, to learning communities and team weekends. Work is important, but you can only Grow and Glow in a safe environment in which you feel welcome and appreciated.

Can I check their work?
The list of digital experiences RMDY already built for its clients is elaborate. Some of their well-known partners are for instance De Lijn, NMBS or Kinepolis. However, if you want to check a number of their earlier cases, have a look at their portfolio.
But you don’t need to look very far to be confronted with their skills as our very own website was designed, developed and written by their combined Web, Digital and Creative Team.
What holds the future?
The endgame for RMDY will always be ‘Grow and Glow’, whether it relates to their clients or colleagues. However, the way they approach their purpose changes. In an ever-changing (digital) world, RMDY wants to stay on the edge of innovation.
They embrace new technologies and bridge the gap between this tech and their clients, making sure they never lose sight of ‘what’s in it for you’. As a strategic partner, they stay close to your business needs and offer you the best solutions to your questions.
Check out RMDY
Cool gang, right?
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